Due to the COVID-19 situation, Lake County RFC will cease its operations for the next 30 days. Per Chicago Area Rugby Football Union (CARFU), all rugby activities - including but not limited to practices and games - have been suspended. We will continue to update you as needed.
Feel free to reach out to us with questions or inquires. You can reach us via email at LakeCountyRFC@gmail.com, or find us on either one of our Facebook pages: Public page or Private group.
With our first tournament of the Spring season coming up this weekend, Lake County RFC is set to begin outdoor practices. Starting this Tuesday March 10th, all rugby practices will be held on Tuesdays and Thursday from 7 to 9 PM. Practices will be held at our home pitch, Hutchins Athletic Field (36753 N. Hutchins Rd).
Please note that Hutchins Rd will be closed going north of Grand Ave throughout the entire Spring season. The only way to get to our pitch is to take Stearns School Rd. from the north end. Take a look at the map below for more information. We apologize for the inconvenience.
We begin our season this Saturday March 14th in Chicago. Join us as we participate in the annual Whiskey 10s Tournament, hosted by South Side Irish. The tournament will be held at Dan Ryan Woods. Game schedule is still to be determined, but be sure to 'Like' us on Facebook for updates.
We're always looking for new players, regardless of rugby experience. Feel free to reach out to us with questions or inquires. You can reach us via email at LakeCountyRFC@gmail.com, or find us on Facebook.
We've reached the final week of practice at Carmel Catholic High School before returning to our home pitch (1 Carmel Pkwy in Mundelein). The team will meet on Tuesday and Thursday. Times for each day will be confirmed on our Facebook page. Because the practices will be indoors, we ask players to bring running shoes, shorts, water, etc. Do not bring cleats! The practice schedule for this week is the following:
Tuesday, March 3rd @ 7 PM
Thursday, March 5th @ 7 PM
Use the parking lot next to the turf (as marked on the map below). You will be able to enter the building via Door C. If you're interested in joining, see our team email and/or Facebook page below!
We're still looking for not only new recruits, but friendlies to fill in a few open weekends in the Spring. Feel free to reach out to us with questions or inquires about a friendly. You can reach us via email at LakeCountyRFC@gmail.com, or find us on Facebook.